Dr. Sheikh Mohammad Shafiul Islam

Dr. Sheikh Mohammad Shafiul Islam

Associate Professor & Head of the Department

ROOM: 618 (A)

PABX: 7401

Email: shafiul@msj.uiu.ac.bd, head@msj.uiu.ac.bd

Summary of Professional Expertise

I am Dr. Sheikh Mohammad Shafiul Islam, a senior media academic and researcher. I have been teaching Journalism, Communication and Media Studies at graduate and post graduate level since last 18 years. Apart from teaching, I have rendered consultancy services to the British Council, World Bank, Helvetas Germany, GIZ, Article19, USAID-PROGATI, HelpAge International, HomeNet South Asia, International Labour Organization (ILO), and International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), Save the Children International, Concern Worldwide, Handicap International, and International Organization for Migration (IOM). I have also served many national development organizations and institutions including the Press Institute Bangladesh (PIB), Public Administration Training Centre (PATC), National Institute of Mass Communication(NIMCO), University of Dhaka, Institute for Environment and Development (IED), Fair Election Monitoring Alliance (FEMA), Bangladesh Centre for Development, Journalism and Communication (BCDJC), Development Consultants and Global Compliance Initiatives (DCGCI), Bangla Communications Ltd. Labaid Group Ltd. I have designed and conducted more than 50 research and training projects and communication strategies. Some of my research reports have been published abroad. I have trained more than 10,000 journalists, communication professionals, government officials, human resource managers, health professionals, civil society members, researchers and development workers in home and abroad. I maintain a professional liaison with multiple stakeholders i.e. the press clubs, reporter’s unions, international development partners and civil society. I am frequently invited as a talk show discussant, journalists’ trainer and public speaker.

Published Books/Chapters and Research Reports

1. Wrote a chapter titled ‘Development Communication Approaches in Bangladesh: Challenges and Opportunities’ in the book titled Mass Communication and Journalism in Bangladesh: Issues and Perspectives being published by the Department of Mass Communication and Journalism, Dhaka University under the book project in the line with the Centennial Book Series Project of Dhaka University. The book, after reviewing and designing, is in the process of publishing now.

2. Wrote a chapter titled ‘Women in Bangladesh television channels: A gender participation analysis’ in a book being published from India by Kanishka Publishers, New Delhi.

3. Book: Women in Media (under publication process) by Bangladesh Centre for Development, Journalism and Communication (BCDJC), Dhaka.

4. Wrote the book titled A Journalist’s Handbook: Understanding Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) Issues as a co-author published by Bandhu Social Welfare Society in June 2017.

5. Wrote the referred text book Foundation of Human Communication as a co-author published by Anyadhara Publication Ltd in April 2015.

6. Wrote a study report on People’s perception of safety net programmes: A qualitative analysis of social protection in Bangladesh published by Help Age International in September 2011.

7. Wrote a report jointly on Policy Research on DCC, DESCO, TITAS and WASA: Problem of Slum Dwellers Accessing Utility Services published by Onneyshan March 2011, Sponsored by Manusher Jonno Foundation.

8. Wrote a study report on ILO Convention on Home Work (C-177, 1996) in Bangladesh published by the Home Net South Asia, Mauritius in 2012.

9. Wrote a book chapter titled Corporate politics in business news in the book Mass Media/Class Media published by Sraban Publication in February 2009.

10. Wrote the CCHRB Election Observation Report, A SEHD (Society for Environment and Human Development) publication jointly which was published in 2002.

11. Executive Editor and Writer, Newsletter-3 on Human Rights published by BCDJC in 2009.

12. Executive Editor and Writer, Handbook on Human Rights and Journalism published by BCDJC in 2009.

Major Publications in the Academic & Professional Journals

1 Digital and Social Media Literacy: An Emerging Reality in Bangladesh and India Media Space DME Journal of Communication Accepted – 2022 Delhi, India

2 Portrayal of Crime and Criminal in the Investigative Reports of Bangladesh Newspapers Bangladesh Journal of Police Academy Accepted – 2022 Bangladesh

3 Role of Televised Information in Farmers’ Empowerment: A Case Study of Hridoye Mati O Manush (Land and People in Heart) Green University Review of Social Sciences Volume 06, Issue 02 14-35 December 2020 Bangladesh

4 Print Media Coverage of Climate Change issues: A needs assessment of professional Journalists in the coastal regions of Bangladesh DIU Journal of Humanities & Social science 8 1-18 2021 Bangladesh

5 A Contextual Study on the Development of Women Entrepreneurs in Bangladesh.
(Co-author) Global Journal of Entrepreneurship 3 23-35 2019 USA

6 Performance appraisal system of Mercantile Bank limited: An evaluation. (Co-author) Journal of Business and Retail Management Research (JBRMR) 13 303-311 2019 UK

7 Editorial Coverage on Implementation of Bangladesh-India Land Boundary Agreement: An Analysis of Six Dailies of Bangladesh and India. (Co-author) SAGE Open DOI. 10.1177/2158244017712772 1-9 2017 UK

8 Coverage Bias of Bangladesh Television Media: A Portrayal of Power and Politics Jurnal Komunikasi, Malaysian Journal of Communication 32 (2) 240-258 2016 Malaysia

9 Free-hand English Writing Practices in Bangladesh Secondary Schools: Attitude, Ability and Practice of the Students Mother Language 1 149-163 2017 Bangladesh

10 Sangbad Patraey Banglavashar Proyug Probonata (Tendency of Using Bangla Language in Newspapers) (Co-author) Matribhasha 1 138-158 2016 Bangladesh

11 Print Media Coverage on Climate Change Issues in Bangladesh DIU Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 2 113-128 2014 Bangladesh

12 Trend of Television News Coverage in Bangladesh
(Co-author) DIU Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 1 123-137 2013 Bangladesh

13 Rationale for a Relationship between Media Freedom and the Process of Democratization (Co-author) Social Science Review, The Dhaka University Studies 30 23-33 2013 Bangladesh

14 The Radio as an Instrument for Change: Bangladesh Perspective. (Co-author) Social Science Review, The Dhaka University Studies 30 35-48 2013 Bangladesh

15 The Daily Amader Shomoy: A New Trend of Journalistic Practice? Bangladesh Journalism Review(BJR) 5 7-10 2009 Bangladesh

16 The Role of Media in Fighting Against Drug Addiction Bangladesh Journalism Review(BJR) 4 7-8 2008 Bangladesh

17 Community Radio: Prospects and Scopes Bangladesh Journalism Review(BJR) 4 22-23 2008 Bangladesh

18 Demoralizing TV Programmes for the Children, Who’ll Compensate? Bangladesh Journalism Review(BJR) 4 12-14 2008 Bangladesh

19 Teaching writing effectively: A pragmatic view on application of grammar for growing writing practice effectively UODA Studies 2 28-31 2006 Bangladesh

20 Communication Revolutions or Explosions! What is the Reality? UODA Studies (Part II) 2 40-52 2007 Bangladesh

21 The emergence of social media narrows down the role of mainstream news media Reporter’s Voice 1 6 2020 Bangladesh

• Note: Have written more than 100 feature, article and post-editorial articles on human rights, gender issue, social and political problems, mass media, good governance, socio-economic development concerns, etc. in the Daily Star, Independent, Bangladesh Observer, Daily Observer Daily Prothom Alo, Amader Shomoy, Bangladesh Shomoy, Media Watch, Bangladesh Journalism Review.

Abilities & Expertise

Proven expertise and abilities in the following areas:

  • Designing OBE syllabus in compliance with the UGC guidelines and BAC compliance
  • Institutional quality assurance through designing and executing various academic standards
  • Exchanging academic best practices with the reputed universities of home and abroad
  • Faculty development of both the foreign and Bangladesh universities through pragmatic skills training, mentoring and motivational sessions
  • Designing researches and writing research articles especially in the areas of media, communication and development
  • Facilitating internationalization process of an academic institute through developing networks, linkage and academic exchange programme
  • Institutionalization through capacity building of the junior faculties, developing strategies, plan and policies
  • Promotional and branding of an academic entity through designing and implementing academic social responsibility strategy
  • Developing and implementing time-bound strategic communication plan to manage and foster image of an institution
  • Establishing linkage with media industry, corporate and communication organizations
  • Facilitating the students with internship placement and employment
  • Arranging outreach communication programmes i.e. seminar, workshop, journalists’ training, and social campaign etc.
  • Idea generation, content planning and writing for transmedia
  • Public speech and programme moderation
  • Setting up and leading multimedia lab including broadcast studio, PCR and MCR, Post production etc.
  • Planning and implementing training and workshops for senior media people, civil society members and the higher government officials.


Contribution as a Trainer/Resource Person/Keynote Presenter

Contribution as a Trainer/Resource Person/Keynote Presenter

I have conducted at least 200 training sessions on news reporting, investigative journalism, development journalism and communication; research training and advocacy; good governance, media relations, socio-economic development and capacity building of the civil society organizations and members as a resource person of Society for Environment and Human Development (SEHD); Press Institute of Bangladesh(PIB), National Institute of Mass Communication(NIMC), Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre (BPATC), Labaid Group; Bangladesh Centre for Development, Journalism and Communication (BCDJC), Democracy Watch, HomeNet South; Asian College of Journalism, India; Sylhet Press Club and International Labour Organization(ILO). I have served as the Deputy Team Leader cum the Principal Trainer of a Journalist’s Training Project for establishing rights of the Indigenous and Tribal People (ITP) in 2012-2013. The ILO funded project has facilitated me to design and implement a year-long training project jointly with Prof. Robaet Ferdous for the working and prospective journalists from the ITP communities from the CHT region.

Apart from these, I have served/serving the following organizations/institutions/universities as their trainer/resource person:

  • Press Institute of Bangladesh where I have trained several thousand journalists since 2013.
  • Public Administration Training Centre(PATC) where I have trained senior government officials
  • National Institute of Mass Communication(NIMCO) where I have trained senior government officials
  • Department of Law, North South University where I have presented a keynote on hate speech
  • Department of Geography and Environment of Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka.
  • Department of Mass Communication and journalism of Jagannath University, Dhaka.
  • Department of Communication and Journalism, Chittagong University
  • ILO project of journalists’ training from ITP communities, CHT region where I served as the Deputy Team Leader and the Principal Trainer during 2012-2013.
  • Labaid Group where I have trained more than two thousand health professionals including doctors and senior managers during May –December 2012
  • Bangladesh Centre for Development, Journalism and Communication (BCDJC), Dhaka (Trained journalists of seven districts of Khulna and Rajshahi division under Leaders of Influence project funded and supported by USAID and Asia Foundation in 2010]
  • Democracy Watch, Dhaka (Trained civil society members of Chittagong division under Leaders of Influence project funded and supported by USAID and Asia Foundation in 2010
  • HomeNet South Asia (Facilitated international workshop on urban issues of Home-Based Workers in December 2010)
  • Asian College of Journalism, India where I developed module on ‘Investigative Journalism’ for conducting one-day session being entrusted by International Institute of Journalism (IIJ), Germany in 2010
  • Sylhet Press Club where I trained the fresh journalists in November 2011
  • Home Net South Asia (HNSA), India & Occupational Safety, Health and Environment(OSHE), Dhaka where I have trained the Home-Based Workers (HBWs), potential leaders and their organizers from 17-18 January 2012 in Mirpur Area of Dhaka City
  • Development Consultant and Global Compliance Initiative (DCGCI) where I performed as a part-time ‘Director: Research, Training and Advocacy’ four years (2010-2014).


  • PhD, Department of Mass Communication and Journalism, Dhaka University
  • MSS & BSS (Hons), Department of Mass Communication and Journalism, Dhaka University

Honorary Position

  • Vice-President: Global Media Education Council (GMEC-Global Body), Global Body

  • President, GMEC-Bangladesh

  • Mentor, South Asia Center for Media in Development (SACMID)

Experiences of University Teaching/lecture

Experiences of teaching as visiting faculty/expert guest teacher in Foreign/BD Universities other than regular teaching

Apart from teaching at United International University(UIU), Green University of Bangladesh (GUB), Daffodil International University (DIU) and University of Development Alternative (UODA), I have also delivered specialized lectures/keynote and contributed to the academic excellence of various foreign and domestic universities:

  • Chandigarh University, Punjab, India (as a visiting faculty)
  • University of Dhaka (as external in Viva Board, Thesis board and moderation board)
  • Symbiosis International University, Pune, India
  • North South University
  • Chattogram University
  • Ajeenkya DY Patil University, Pune, India
  • Jagannath University
  • Jahangirnagar University
  • State University Bangladesh