Entry Requirements

Following entry requirements will be considered for the students seeking admission to pursue the Bachelor of Social Science in Media Studies and Journalism program in the Department of Media Studies and Journalism at United International University.

Every applicant without any exception must fulfill the admission requirements as laid down by UIU. A Higher Secondary Certificate or its equivalent in Science, Arts, Business Studies or other fields of study is the basic educational requirement. Candidates having at least GPA of 2.50 in SSC and HSC or in equivalent degrees are eligible to apply for admission to the Bachelor of Social Science (BSS) in Media Studies and Journalism Program. Candidates who have passed at least 5 papers in GCE “O” Level (with Mathematics as one of the subjects) and two papers of “A” Level may also apply provided that they have obtained 2.5 points (weighted average) in both O & A level computed according to the following scale: A=5, B=4, C=3, D=2 and E=1.GED results will, however, not be accepted. Application will, however, be evaluated on the basis of the both previous academic achievements and university Admission Test scores. Admission Test will consist of a written examination on language, mathematics, general knowledge and analytical skills, followed by an interview conducted by the university.

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